
Precision Drainage is a farm drainage contractor that is dedicated to improving your fields. We provide timely services and stand behind our finished product. By using Modern Drainage Technology, we are able to get your job done faster and more efficient while still ensuring quality.

From assessment and design to installation and implementation, we bring a strategic approach to water management that will help you make the most of your land.

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Trimble Subsurface Drainage Design

We are a full-service drainage company utilizing the latest technology available in the tile drainage industry. We specialize in the design and installation of subsurface drainage systems on agricultural fields to improve water management issues and soil quality. Amongst our equipment, we use our own designed drainage plow equipped with a RTK-quality GPS guided grading system. We will handle the assessment, design as well as the permitting and planning of your projects using the modern design methods and industry standards.

GPS RTK Subsurface Dual Wall Pipe Drainage Installations

Tile Installation refers to the installation of drainage tile below the surface of your fields. Installing a drainage system can be a large undertaking and a significant investment. But the savings are worth it!

We use only dual wall pipe to ensure the upmost quality and return.

Tile Installation consists of three steps:

  • Survey –Using technology specifically the RTK GPS, we take a profile of the soil in your field so that we know the best areas for tile placement.
  • Plan – Next, we ensure the best placement of tile in your field for optimal water management.
  • Install – We install your drainage tile using the specific plan we created for your field and soil.

Surface Leveling Drainage Design

Agricultural drainage is accomplished by a system of surface ditches, subsurface conduits, or by a combination of surface and subsurface components that collect and convey water from fields. Using water management structures located at strategic locations in the field, an agricultural drainage water management system (ADMS) allows for the adjustment of the water table elevation. This allows the operator to minimize drainage during times of the year when drainage requirements are reduced and provide for adequate drainage when needed most. Drainage water management can improve water quality by reducing the quantity of nutrient enriched drainage water leaving fields and can provide production benefits by extending the period when soil water is available to plants.

RTK GPS Surface Drainage Installation

Real Time Kinematic or RTK satellite navigation helps you increase the precision of data received from GPS. RTK provides real-time corrections so that you have the highest accuracy available in GPS technology.

Water Management Planning with Van's Lab

To assure an effective and profitable system, it’s important to couple a good design process with the thorough evaluation of such on-site factors as soil type, topography, outlet placement and existing wetlands. This, and a quality installation will ensure a drainage system that will effectively perform for many years to come.

We use Van’s Lab as our trusted partner.

Aerial and EM Mapping Surveys

Geographic Information Systems (GIS), GPS (Global Positioning System) and satellite imaging technology can greatly support farmers and growers in gathering crucial information to monitor and manage crops, yields, soil, and vegetation. GIS and satellite imaging technology collect data to support precision agricultural mapping for farmers and growers to support crop production and to manage potential threats to their fields.

We work with a team of agronomists, engineers, product developers, creatives and customer service experts. Our mission is to provide our customers with intelligent tools throughout every season, so that they can feed the world.

Precision Drainage has been fully dedicated to client satisfaction.

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