Frequently Asked Questions

Since opening our doors in 2018 Precision Drainage has been fully dedicated to client satisfaction. In all that we do, we strive to work meticulously and with integrity to provide high-quality results in all our projects. Please get in touch with us today, we would like to speak with you about any of your project needs

Before and After Precision Drainage

View the results of before and after the installation of a good professional drainage system.

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During the planning phase we ensure correct and accurate design.

Using the latest technology and research knowledge to perform on site topographic survey and design using state of the art GNSS hardware and software specifically designed for water management. Surveys are planned according to individual requirements depending on number of hectares. Project planning is done by discussing and quantifying the survey and design process to determine what can be done and when it can be done to finalize the specific design. After the design is finalized it is sent to the drainage installation team to complete the installation of the project according to standard operating procedures and timelines. We ensure a project is completed successfully by confirming design to as-installed data for project completion and quality control.

Does soil type affect surface drainage?

Yes. Generally speaking fine textured soils will require a closer spacing interval of the lateral drainage lines to ensure proper drainage compared to rough textured soils.

Will drainage stress my crop in dry years?

Subsurface drainage does not remove “plant available” water from the soil; it merely removes “gravitational” water that would drain naturally if unimpeded by confining layers in the soil.
The greatest benefits of subsurface drainage typically are realized in wet years, but because drainage promotes deep root development, crops often will have better access to soil moisture in dry years.

How much will subsurface drainage cost?

There are three main factor that influence the cost. Problem area size: You only need to drain the area that is problematic not necessarily the whole field. Soil type: Fine textured soils require more pipe per hectare to drain effectively. Drainage coefficient: The amount of rainfall and or irrigation determine a factor by which pipe sizing is determined. Contact us today for a customized quote!

How do I ensure the drainage system keeps working?

Our modern subsurface drainage systems are designed and installed with state of the art technology in order to work 24/7 365 days a year! By using the right company with the right tools and hands on knowledge for the job you are guaranteed a fully operational self cleaning drainage system year round. Our systems only require routine cleaning of the outlets to ensure free flowing system.

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